Welcome đź‘‹ to the Digital Public Goods Alliance crowdsourcing tool!

Here, you can validate digital public good submissions to ultimately help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

By donating your time, you’ll help us build an open source database of digital public goods that anyone can use to create a more equitable world. Read information about a nominated project, check the evidence to confirm its accuracy and share your review. It’s that simple!

In order to use this tool, you’ll need to sign in through GitHub. If you don’t have an account don’t worry it only takes a moment to create one! This web application will use your credentials to submit your review at the end by opening a pull request to our repository on your behalf. This application is open source, and you can review the source code at any time.

Thank you for supporting digital public goods for a more equitable world! Ready to get started?

*This application will request the authentication public_repo scope in order to be able to open a pull request on your behalf.
Refer to GitHub's documentation Understanding scopes for OAuth Apps for additional information.

This webapp is open source Â